New Rules Governing Jurors in Jury Trials

October 30, 2007

Judge Robert L. ShevinEarlier this month, the Supreme Court of Florida adopted several new rules and jury instructions that pertain to juries during jury trials in Florida. In Re: Amendments to Rules 967 So. 2d 178 (Fla 2007). These new rules, which become effective on January 1, 2008, codify and expand some of the rights afforded to jurors in the “Juror’s Bill of Rights” passed by the Florida legislature in 1999. The new rules and instructions deal with a juror’s ability during trial to take notes, ask questions, compile notebooks of exhibits, and other matters, and the rules vary between civil and criminal trials in Florida.

The Honorable Robert Shevin (pictured above) was instrumental in the creation of the new rules and he chaired the “Jury Innovations Committee” that produced these recommendations. Unfortunately, Judge Shevin died before his work came to fruition, but the Supreme Court noted his “extraordinary dedication and service” to this project in its opinion. A complete copy of the committee’s report and recommendations (many of which were not adopted by the Court) can be found by clicking here: Jury Innovations Committee – Final Report.

A brief analysis and explanation of some of the new rules and jury instructions is set forth in the left-hand column of this blog in the section entitled:  Juror’s Bill of Rights .